Medicare - Child Dental Benefits Schedule

Child Dental Benefits Schedule (Bulk Bill under Medicare for eligible children)
We Bulk Bill for the Medicare Child Dental Benefits Schedule.
It is a Medicare initiative which allows eligible children between the ages of 2 and 17 years, access to basic dental services. We will bulk-bill for all items under the scheme and you will not pay any out-of-pocket costs for these services, as long as you have enough funds available under the benefit cap.
Services include:
- Check-ups
- Teeth cleaning
- Fluoride
- Root canal treatment
- X-rays
- Fissure sealing
- Fillings
- Extractions
- Stainless Steel crowns
The CDBS will not cover any orthodontic work or cosmetic dentistry
Eligible children can access up to $1,132.00 over two consecutive years for the above services.
If their entire $1,132.00 is not used by the end of the two years, it will not be carried forward for future use.
For detailed information from the Department website, please click here.
Not sure if your child is eligible?
If you are not sure of your child’s eligibility, call us on PH: 46254897 and we can check.
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