Emergency Dental & Emergency Tips

What is a dental emergency
Basically, a dental emergency is any dental problem that requires immediate treatment. This could be in order to save a tooth, stop ongoing tissue bleeding or alleviate severe pain.
A severe infection or abscess in the mouth can be life-threatening and should be dealt with immediately.
Medical Emergency Tips
Facial swelling
This can be a serious sign of infection and can be life threatening. It is very important to seek a dental diagnosis, so call us on 4625 4897 and let the receptionist know that you have facial swelling. We will see you on the day, even if we have no appointments available. If, however, you are unable to see a dentist immediately, you should go to the local hospital without delay. Campbelltown Hospital Ph. 4634 3000
Excessive Bleeding after Tooth Removal
Open the sterile gauze pack given to you after your appointment and place one of the pillows on the wound. Keep pressure on the wound site for 5 to 10 minutes and this should stop the bleeding. Ensure your head and shoulders are propped up if you are resting on your bed. If your wound is still seeping, repeat this process until all your gauze pillows are used. Your bleeding should now have stopped. Rest quietly and leave the wound area alone.
If however there is uncontrolled bleeding, you should call our practice on 4625 4897 during business hours because you might require sutures or contact your local hospital. Click here for after care instructions and more detailed information.
Take which ever pain killers you usually take/are safe for you, and try to avoid anything that is making the tooth hurt eg: hot or cold drinks or chewing on that tooth. Call the practice as soon as possible. Click here for more information.
An object seriously stuck between your teeth
It’s best to try and gently remove it with dental floss. Don’t ever attempt to use a tooth pick or similar object because you risk creating more damage to the area. If you are unable to remove it, call the surgery and make an appointment to have it removed here.
Bitten tongue
If the tongue is bruised, swollen and painful, you can rinse your mouth with warm salty water and take whichever pain killers you usually take and are safe for you. Eat soft foods for the rest of the day. If, however the bite has broken the skin and there is uncontrolled bleeding, you should get to our practice or the local hospital because you might require stitches.
Swollen gum
This is usually a sign of infection and is a case for concern. It is very important that you see the dentist as soon as possible for diagnosis and treatment. Antibiotics are not always needed.
Broken tooth
A broken tooth can be sharp and can either cause the tooth to ache or become sensitive to eating and drinking. If the tooth is causing pain, take whichever pain killers you usually take/are safe for you, and contact the practice. Try to avoid anything that is making the tooth hurt eg: hot or cold drinks or chewing on that tooth. Some cracks can be serious which can lead to the loss of a tooth while smaller cracks can be restored. An appropriate diagnosis by the dentist will be needed to treat a cracked tooth.
Knocked tooth
It is really hard sometimes to know the difference between a baby tooth and an adult tooth. Whenever a tooth is knocked a little bit or completely out, (sporting injury, due to a fall or a blow to the face) it is best, regardless of the person’s age, to call us. If possible, bring in the tooth/bits of the tooth for the dentist to see. Take whichever pain killers you usually take/are safe for you, until you get to our practice. A cold pack can help with swelling.
Filling has fallen out
If this happens call the surgery as soon as possible to have the reason why diagnosed and hopefully, have the filling replaced, before it causes you pain. During root canal therapy a temporary filling is placed and this can sometimes wear down. This is usually of no great concern as the cavity will still be sealed off, however we encourage you to call the practice for individual advice.
Orthodontic braces/bracket/wire has broken
We encourage you to call the treating orthodontist for their next available appointment. You are welcome to call us, but the dentist will only be able to make the area comfortable, usually by removing the broken part. However, in the meantime, eat soft foods and minimise jaw movement.
Broken denture
If your denture or clasp on your denture has broken, we can provide a referral to a trusted local prosthetist for repair or replacement.
In Need of Emergency Care?
If you’re experiencing a dental emergency, give us a call right away. We look forward to helping you as quickly as possible.