Which Toothbrush Should I Use?

Which Toothbrush Should I Use?

  Which toothbrush should I use? Manual? or Electric? Many patients ask about which type of toothbrush to use, the answer is… it depends! Here is why: Between brushing, naturally occurring bacteria multiply on the surface of your teeth. This is often called...
The Tooth Fairy Visits Campbelltown

The Tooth Fairy Visits Campbelltown

The Tooth Fairy flew in for a visit to see our lovely patients on the 19th April 2017. She is a fantastic visitor to our surgery, always smiling and helpful.  She took time out of her busy schedule of collecting teeth, to visit some of her favourite little people....
ANZAC Day 2018 – The Importance Of Dentistry

ANZAC Day 2018 – The Importance Of Dentistry

Army dentistry in the past 100 years WORLD WAR IWhen WW1 was declared in August 1914 and the Australian government decided to send troops to Europe, some dentists volunteered, but the defence forces did not see the need for a dental corps. The first record of an...